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Does Mengwa Economy Become a Cake after the Clothing Industry

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023/3/15 15:33:22 Hits:212

Nowadays, falling profits and high inventories have become the norm in the clothing industry. Children's clothing, which once accounted for a relatively low proportion of clothing sales, has been described as a lucrative cake in the clothing industry. In Jiaxing, traditional department stores such as Jiangnan Building and Daimengde Shopping Center have continuously expanded their children's wear areas, and many adult brands have also extended their tentacles to children's wear. Recently, the official release of new standards for children's clothing will cause what kind of industry reshuffle?

"Single child" detonates the children's clothing industry

Citizen Miss Zhou is an avid shopper, spending most of her time in shopping malls. Today, as a mother of children, she has new consumption goals. Every time she walks to the children's wear area, she always has a refreshing feeling. "It is obvious that the children's wear area in the mall is becoming larger and larger, not only in terms of area, but also in terms of children's wear brands, which are no longer those old faces. Many new brands are constantly being added."

Children's clothing is jokingly known as a piece of cake in the clothing industry, and has also become one of the key development formats of physical commerce in recent years. Zhang Mei, Manager of Children's Products Department of Jiangnan Mansion, told reporters that recently, Jiangnan Mansion has made adjustments to the children's products area on the 5th floor, and expanded its business area to 500 square meters. A total of 10 new children's products counters have entered, which has also brought the total number of children's products brands in Jiangnan Mansion to 40, "From the perspective of sales trends in recent years, children's clothing sales have indeed increased significantly. On the one hand, it is because parents after the 1980s and 1990s are willing to spend money on their children, and they have increasingly high requirements for quality. On the other hand, after the liberalization of the 'single child' policy, the demand for children's clothing has significantly increased."

Some research institutions predict that after the implementation of the "single two child" policy, the annual growth rate of newborn babies in China will be 20% per year on the original basis, which is bound to drive the sales of peripheral products. In fact, from the current sales situation in shopping malls, the implementation of the "single child" policy has begun to have a linkage effect on the children's clothing market.

"From January to May this year, the overall sales of children's products in our shopping mall increased by 23% year-on-year, far surpassing that of adult clothing." Zhang Mei said, especially the infant and child products, which account for about half of the sales of the entire children's product area, "Currently, there are a total of 40 brands of children's products, including 10 baby brands, 25 small and medium-sized children brands, and 5 big children brands. Although the number of baby brands is less than half, the proportion of sales is very high, especially after the implementation of the 'single child' policy, the sales of baby products have significantly increased."

In fact, increasing the children's clothing sector can also drive sales of other categories of products. "Generally speaking, a child who buys children's clothing will be accompanied by at least one adult, which means that it may lead to the sale of adult clothing, shoes, and other products." Zhang Mei told reporters, "In addition, many shopping malls will now add amusement and children's play facilities, the main purpose of which is to attract passenger flow and thereby stimulate consumption.". "

"Currently, most of the parents who have a second child are in their 30s, and the policy mainly affects people in cities. These people have a certain economic foundation, have relatively high requirements for quality of life, and are the main customers targeted by the medium and upper brands." A salesperson for the baby brand in a shopping mall told reporters.

The salesperson also stated that the custom of giving gifts to newborns in Jiaxing has also led to the overall sales of baby and child products. "We have compared the customer unit price of consumption and found that baby and child products are higher than those of small and medium-sized children and older children. Generally, when visiting pregnant women and newborn babies, we choose one or two gift boxes, with a total price of between 300 and 500 yuan.". "In addition, unlike other children's products, which mainly sell clothing and footwear, baby and child products also include daily necessities such as shampoo and shower gel, all of which have good sales performance."

Brands Compete to Launch Children's Wear

In the impression of Miss Hu, a citizen, coming to the children's wear area is like entering the "Children's Kingdom", where colorful and cartoon children's brands are exclusive. But now, when she walks into the children's wear area of the mall, she can see many mini versions of adult clothing, and many familiar adult brands have begun to "invade" the children's wear area.

In the children's wear areas of shopping malls such as Jiangnan Building and Daimengde Shopping Center, the reporter saw that adult clothing brands including Taipingniao, Jiangnan Clothes, ELAND, etc. have launched children's wear series in succession; Among sports brands, Nike, Adidas, Anta, Li Ning, and New Balance also have a "mini style". In shopping malls in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, you can even see children's wear collections from Gucci, Burberry, Dior, Dolce&Gabbana, and other brands.

Next:Compare H&M to analyze how ZARA stands up to the craze of fast fashion




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